CardiacBooster wins Academic Start-Up Competition prize

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CardiacBooster wins Academic Start-Up Competition prize

CardiacBooster is one of the ten winners of the Academic Startup Competition, selected from a competitive group of start-ups by a professional jury in Amsterdam in the presence of State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate, Mona Keijzer.

The winning spot allows CardiacBooster to pitch at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in June and to participate in a trip to Silicon Valley sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Change.

CardiacBooster, a Radboudumc spinoff, develops minimally invasive cardiac assist devices that mechanically support the heart, with the ambition to increase survival of cardiogenic shock patients and to provide physicians with a superior device to stabilize patients throughout high-risk coronary procedures (high-risk PCI).

“We are very pleased with the recognition by the jury and with the support from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Change, and are excited to have an opportunity to showcase CardiacBooster at the upcoming Global Entrepreneurship Summit”, says Daniël van Dort, CSO and inventor of the technology.

Academic Startup Competition

The Academic Startup Competition is an initiative of VSNU, the Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI) and StartupDelta. The competition put knowledge transfer and academic spin-offs in the international spotlight.

Mona Keijzer, State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate: “Academic startups are extremely important for the Netherlands because it’s often innovative breakthrough technologies that have an international impact. The 10 winners show that Dutch universities are at the global forefront when it comes to knowledge transfer.”

Pieter Duisenberg, chairman VSNU “This top ten list proves that Dutch Academic Startups are leading the way in creating the most groundbreaking innovations in science. They are living proof that Dutch universities are at the heart of our society. Now is the time to continue and keep up the pace by making the knowledge transfer process in the Netherlands even more professional”.

Visit for more information about the competition.
Visit for more information about CardiacBooster.
For more information, please contact

Daniël van Dort, MD

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